360 pugs rescued since October, 2005
Help Support Pugalug by Donating

You can now send money to Pugalug via your online banking website using Interac e-Transfer.

Use the email address revenue@pugalug.com

Donations, merchandise payments and adoption fees can be sent this way. Include your mailing address for donations over $25 or merchandise in the notes area.

100% of the money will go to Pugalug.
Donations of $25 or more may receive a tax receipt at the end of the year.

If you would like a tax receipt at the end of the year then in the message section please be sure to specify that it is a donation and provide us the address to mail your receipt to (you must explicitly give us the address as we can no longer look it up via PayPal).

Paypal charges 1.9% on transactions.

Adoption fees may also be paid with PayPal.
Donate Now Through CanadaHelps.org!
In the Message section, state that it is a donation.

This method allows you to pay lump-sum or monthly by credit card, Interac or Paypal. An income tax receipt will be issued immediately for you to print out. Canada Helps takes an administration fee; this is 3.9%.

This method is for DONATIONS ONLY! Please do not pay for adoption fees or merchandise using this method.
Donate Now With a Cheque
Make cheque payable to Pugalug Pug Rescue.

The mailing address is:

PO Box 1421, Station K,
Toronto, ON M4P 3J7.

100% of your donation goes to Pugalug.


Thanks for your support! We couldn't do what we do without your help.